
Displaying 36 definitions on 1 pages:
Displaying 26 definitions on 1 pages:
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Parallel alignment

Parallel alignment describes separate parallel provision for walking and cycling along a given route.

Parallel crossing

A parallel crossing is a combined pedestrian and cycle zebra crossing which can be used as part of protected cycling infrastructure.


'Parapet' refers to a wall, fencing or barrier designed to stop people falling from a bridge or other elevated section of road, cycleway or footway.

Passenger Car Unit

A Passenger Car Unit is a measure used primarily to assess highway capacity, for modelling purposes. Different vehicles are assigned different values, according to the space they take up.

Passing law

A passing law refers to legislation that requires to drivers to pass people cycling at a specified minimum distance.


Pedestrian path alongside a highway. This is the colloquial term for footway, which is the precise term in legislation.

Pedestrian and Cycle Zone

A form of pedestrianised street that allows cycling - or in other words, a street that bans motor traffic!

Pedestrian phase

[lorem ipsum, etc.]

Pedestrian refuge

A specific element of road infrastructure, used to allow pedestrians to cross larger roads in multiple phases. Often these have some physcal protection from traffic, and can be combined with pinch points.

Pedestrianised street

A 'pedestrianised street' is one that prohibits motor traffic, for either the whole day, or a large proportion of it. 

Pegasus crossing

A push-button controlled crossing which permits equestrian as well as pedestrian use. A second push-button box is mounted higher up such that the horse rider does not need to dismount to operate the crossing.

Pelican crossing

PEdestrian LIght CoNtrolled (yes, that is where the name comes from) crossing is an example of a controlled crossing where pedestrians push a button to indicate they wish to cross.


In traffic control a phase refers to an indication shown to motor traffic, cycle traffic, or pedestrians.

Physical activity

See also: 

The NHS recommends that adults (19 and over) should engage in 150 minutes of 'moderate aerobic activity' per week. For children (those aged 5-18) t

Pinch point

An element of road design which narrows the carriageway artifically - often at pedestrian junctions - with the intent of slowing and calming traffic.

Pinch stile

A gap between housing, railings, etc.

Planning gain / Planning obligation

See also: 

Land, and buildings, are worth a lot more on the open market with planning permission for development than without planning permission.

Point Closure

A point closure is another term for a modal filter.


Porosity is a way to talk about the provision of crossing points - how can cycling 'flow' from one area to another. Low porosity means that there are few ways to exit a particular neighbourhood, making cycling a less inviting option.

Pram arm

[lorem ipsum, etc.]


'Predictability' is one of the principles of the Dutch system of Sustainable Safety.

Presumed liability

'Presumed liability' (often referred to as 'strict liability') is an element of civil law that, in crashes involving vulnerable road users, finds the more powerful road user liable by default, unless it can be clearly proven that t


Often described as ‘right of way’, priority concerns who should be yielding to whom at points of traffic intersection - road junctions, pedestrian crossings, etc.

Private entrance

An entrance to a private property, similar to a minor road.

Cycleways across these entrances should be designed with clear visual priority - smooth, continuous and without interruption.

Propensity to Cycle Tool

The National Propensity to Cycle Tool (PCT) is an online and interactive planning support tool to provide an evidence base to inform investment in cycling.

It is available at pct.bike.


A term used to describe measures that separate cycling (and indeed walking) from motor traffic. For instance 'protected cycleway' would be a cycleway that is separated from motor traffic by either a physical kerb, or bollards, or parking.


"Public Transport Access Level". This is a way of measuring the overall level of public transport access which places have. 

Public Right of Way

Public Rights of Way include footpaths, bridleways, restricted byways, and byways open to all traffic (BOATs). They are all highways, and are shown on Definitive Maps.

Puffin crossing

A type of pedestrian crossing, the name “puffin” deriving from “Pedestrian User-Friendly INtelligent crossing”.