Embassy News

Save the Date - Cycling Embassy Virtual AGM, 31st July 2020

Our AGM this year is, of necessity, going to be radically different. 

Rather than our usual face-to-face meetings and Infrastructure Safaris in one city, we are going online, with Virtual Infrastructure Safaris, taking a look at the new pop-up cycling infrastructure that is appearing in response to the Covid-19 crisis. 

Save the Date - Cycling Embassy AGM, 19th-21st July 2019

Cardiff Cycleway.jpgPhoto credit: Cardiff City Council

Save the date and come to Cardiff! 

The AGM is coming to Manchester!

Yes, we're in Manchester this year, just after the city hosts Cycle City, Active City.

Starting on 29th June, in the evening, we're reprising the Friday evening drinks we enjoyed in Glasgow.


Embassy response to Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy Safety Review

Below is the Cycling Embassy's reponse to the Department for Transport's Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy Safety Review.

Question 1

Do you have any suggestions on the way in which the current approach to development and maintenance of road signs and infrastructure impacts the safety of cyclists and other vulnerable road users?

How could it be improved?

Insert Loved One Here - Valentine's Day Special

Last year the Embassy launched the Insert Loved One Here image creator - a tool designed to shine a light on poor or dangerous cycling environments, asking whether we would want our loved ones cycling in them.

To celebrate Valentine's Day, we've updated the tool, allowing you to show love for genuinely good cycling infrastructure - places where you really would want loved ones to cycle.

Embassy AGM 2017 - 15th-17th September

The Cycling Embassy 2017 AGM will be at the Whisky Bond in Glasgow, on 15th-17th September.

Early birds can arrive on Friday evening, when we'll be joining the Cyclehack team and presenting to them as part of their kick off. 

Save the Date - Embassy AGM in Glasgow - 16th /17th September

The Cycling Embassy is coming to Scotland!

As a nation(s) wide organisation, and we know good (and bad) things are happening all around the country, so this year we’re bringing the AGM to Glasgow. 

Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy - Response

Following publication of the Department for Transport’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy (CWIS), Embassy Chair, Mark Treasure, says:

Embassy response to NICE consultation

The Embassy has submitted a response to a NICE consultation on draft guidelines, 'Air pollution: outdoor air quality and health'. Our suggestions to a number of points in the NICE consultation (in italics) are below.

1.1.1 Take air quality issues into account in the Local Plan for new developments. For example: Provide an infrastructure to support low- and zero-emission travel. This could include cycling and walking routes 


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