
Displaying 24 definitions on 1 pages:
Displaying 26 definitions on 1 pages:
2 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W X Y Z

Absolute Minimum value

An 'absolute minimum' value is a design paremeter used when there is an existing constraint on a proposed or existing cycle facility. 

Access barrier

A type of barrier designed to prevent (or discourage) illegitimate use of walking and cycling paths - in particular, entry using mopeds and motorcycles.

Access only

An 'access-only' road or street is that has a ban on motor traffic using it, except for access. Typically this signed with Diagram 620 'Except for Access' in conjunction with Diagram 619, 'motor vehicles prohibited'.

Access road

An access road is a road or street that should only be used by motor traffic that is accessing properties, businesses or dwellings on it.


The lack of separation from motor traffic limits the appeal of cycling to those who are sufficiently fast and brave.


An accident is an unforeseen mishap, but the word is often used to describe a road traffic collision.

Active Mode Appraisal Toolkit

The Active Mode Appraisal Toolkit (AMAT) is a model produced by the Department for Transport, which uses a spreadsheet to assess the overal benefits and costs of proposed cycling and walking interventions, ranging from capital investments to behaviour

Active travel

'Active travel' refers to modes of transport which involve physical activity - most typically, walking, cycling or scooting.

Advanced Stop Line

Sometimes called a bike box or a cycle reservoir, Advanced Stop Lines (ASLs) are stop lines for cyclists at traffic signals, which are marked beyond the stop line for general traffic.

Adverse camber

A road design feature that involves the road surface sloping away from the inside of a bend, being higher on the inside of the bend than on the outside (the opposite of a banked corner).

Advisory cycle lane

A cycle lane bounded by a broken white line, which enables motor traffic to enter the cycle lane when legal to do so.Advisory Cycle Lane, City of London

Angled rubbish bins

Popular beside cycle facilities in the Netherlands and Denmark, allowing people cycling to throw rubbish away without stopping.


Automatic Number Plate Recognition – camera system designed to recognise number plates and therefore exclude or fine all unrecognised users (while allowing buses, deliveries and/or residents vehicles etc. through).


The All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group. The APPCG is a cross-party group consisting of MPs and Peers from the main political parties.


See also: 

Small dividers bolted onto road surface to give degree of protection to cycle lanes from the roadway. Also referred to, confusingly, as ‘zebras’. Approved for use in the UK by the DfT in 2013.


'Aspect' refers to the lights in traffic signals. 

For instance, conventional traffic signals (below) have three aspects; a red aspect, an amber aspect, and a green aspect. 

At grade

See also: 

'At grade' simply refers to a crossing or junction being at the same level, with the users interacting directly with one another.


One of the five main demands used to measure the quality of cycling infrastructure (the others are cohesionsafety


'Autoluwte' is a Dutch noun used to describe areas that have very low motor traffic levels. (The Dutch adjective 'autoluw' means 'low traffic'). 

Average Annual Daily Flow

A measure of the total annual volume of motor traffic on a road or street over the course of a year, divided by 365 - giving the volume of motor traffic expected along it on one day.