Would be cool if a proper artist/illustrator had a try, from scratch (copyright concerns)
Would be cool if a proper artist/illustrator had a try, from scratch (copyright concerns)
That would indeed be what the illustration shows. However, giving way to a cycle track (which I think the OP is trying to suggest) is very much more tricky than giving way to people crossing (as per rule 170). In the case of pedestrians (either actively crossing or about to cross at the kerb) they are in the drivers field of view as they approach the junction. The driver basically needs to look where they are going. With a cyclist (who may approachng at up to 20mph) they need to check a long distance behind - and ahead if it is a two-way path.
So the illustration should really show the cyclist positionned behind the car in their near side blind spot and behind a crowd of pedestrians to emphasise to drivers just how difficult left turns would be under the proposed rule change.
With a cyclist (who may approachng at up to 20mph) they need to check a long distance behind - and ahead if it is a two-way path.
Co-incidentally, exactly what the pedestrian or cyclist has to do to check there is no car coming before crossing a side-road, in practice if not in law. It one of the reasons I hate shared-use paths alongside roads: crossing a side road is actually quite a complicated maneuver, requiring you to look out for other cyclists and pedestrians next to you and straight ahead, look 180 degrees behind you for turning traffic, look ahead and to the opposite carriageway for traffic turning into the road from the other direction, and into the road that you're crossing. Why shared-use pavements are considered the safer, easier option I have no idea.
Looking at the pavement or cycle track instead seems relatively simple. And in any case, as the bigger, more protected user, there are greater responsibilities to look out for others.
It is possible with current signage and road markings to give a shared use path priority over the sidestreet, here's an example in Cheltenham:
Princess Elizabeth Way
With the discussion above, I'm now confused about the actual status of priority here: there is a rule 183 in the Highway Code: which states that cars have to give way to "vehicles using a ... cycle lane" among others. Is this rule not in effect yet, is the discussion about the distinction between a cycle lane vs. a path (i.e. segregated), or is it just about creating an image for this rule?
Anyways, I've found it (disappointingly) surprising how often cars drivers do not check their near mirrors and blind spot, and are totally unaware of me as a cyclist when they make a left turn. It almost seems as if this is not part of training and exams for a driver's licence.
I get upset by the number of drivers these days who don't start indicating left until the light goes green... had they been indicating earlier, I'd not have cycled up their left hand side...
Absolutely. It's like they think they're only indicating for the benefit of other drivers, who can't overtake them anyway.