As part of an inquiry currently examining the Government’s road safety strategy, on 24 April the Transport Committee will take oral evidence about the safety issues facing the growing numbers of cyclists on roads in town and country.
At this session the Committee will question transport ministers Mike Penning and Norman Baker, who are responsible for the Government’s policies on road safety and cycling. MPs want to ensure that their questions to these ministers reflect the most pressing safety concerns for cyclists using UK roads.
As part of the evidence session the Committee will also hear evidence from newscaster and cycling advocate Jon Snow, Times newspaper Editor and cycling campaigner James Harding and cycling advocate and author Josie Dew.
Questions were to be submitted via twitter, adding the hashtag #AskCycleMinisters, by 11am today [Friday 20 April].
The questions submitted by the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain are as follows (with some additonal notes and links):
@UKParliament Why not build a comprehensive network of safe, direct and convenient cycle routes that all can use? #askcycleministers
@UKParliament When will the bicycle be regarded as a serious mode of transport as well as a leisure activity? #askcycleministers
@UKParliament Bikeability is still not keeping children cycling according to a report for DfT. What can be done to help? #askcycleministers
This last tweet was prompted by this report prepared by Steer Davies Gleave for Department for Transport (March 2012)
Further views offered by:
David Hembrow in A View From The Cycle Path
Danny Williams in Cyclists in The City
@UKParliament Why can't Local Authorities provide the same quality of infrastructure for bikes as they do for cars? #askcycleministers
Warrington Cycle Campaign's Cycle Facility of the Month
@UKParliament Please can we look to examples from countries such as #DK [Denmark] & #NL [the Netherlands] with proven success for inspiration? #askcycleministers
In September 2011, the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain went on a Study Tour (led by David Hembrow) to see Dutch conditions for ourselves. We would advise policy makers and anyone interested in cycle infrastructure design and implementation to do the same. We are constantly developing a 'Wiki' and you may find resources regarding the Study Tour here and Dutch Cycle Infrastructure here.
@UKParliament How is cycling 'booming' when it still has an overall national modal share of 1%? #askcycleminsters
Joe Dunckley discusses 'Bike Booms' on 'At War With The Motorist'
@UKParliament How is the Government directly supporting The Times #cyclesafe campaign manifesto? #askcycleministers
The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain fully supports The Times excellent campaign and we would urge people to go visit their website and plot junctions, roads or cycle routes that you find hazardous on their interactive map. They are nearly at 10,000 entries and you can play your part in creating a valuable data set.
@UKParliament Has the Govt a target for the proportion of trips by bike & a realistic, costed strategy for achieving it? #askcycleministers
@UKParliament What would it take to make the UK a cycle-friendly country for 8-to-80 year olds? #askcycleministers
Please read our Manifesto and Mission Statement along with Frequently Asked Questions for further information about the Cycling Embassy position.