Cycle Infrastructure

Diversifying and normalising cycling in London, UK: an exploratory study on the influence of infrastructure

Journal of Transport and Health
Publication date: 
November 2016

This article examines the extent to which protected infrastructure is associated with greater diversity and normalisation of cycling. In the UK, cyclists are predominantly male and often wear distinctive cycle clothing rather than everyday clothes. This is not the case in higher-cycling countries such as the Netherlands and Germany. It has been argued that the UK's demographic skewing may be partly due to poor quality infrastructure which can be off-putting for many, but particularly for women, children and older people.

Presentation on Copenhagen

Here is a PDF version of the presentation on Copenhagen's cycling infrastructure, as given at the Newcastle AGM by David Arditti, who visited on behalf of the Embassy in May 2013.


Embassy takes part in a study tour in Copenhagen

A group of 25 UK transport professionals took part in a tour of Copenhagen’s cycling infrastructure on 8–9 May this year. Amongst them were independent consultants plus officers working for Transport for London, the London Borough of Lambeth, Bournemouth Council, and Cardiff and Birmingham City Councils.

Sussex Infrastructure Safari - Saturday 18th August

Jim Davis, Chair of the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain cordially invites you to join him on an Infrastructure Safari of Worthing and Brighton incorporating much of his daily commute and a lot of cycle facilties to see and  discuss. And it's a chance to ride along the seaside of course.

Open Letter to Nick Clegg

Cycling Embassy of Great Britain
Publication date: 
June 2012

Cycle Campaigners call on Nick Clegg to get the country moving

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain are calling on the Deputy Prime Minister to invest in cycling infrastructure if he wants to get the economy - and the country - moving. Noting that the Liberal Democrat leader is himself half Dutch, they have responded to his announcement that the Coalition Government is planning to increase state-backed investment in infrastructure with a plea for Dutch-style bike lanes rather than more roads. 

Ask The Minister

As part of an inquiry currently examining the Government’s road safety strategy, on 24 April the Transport Committee will take oral evidence about the safety issues facing the growing numbers of cyclists on roads in town and country.

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