This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle street in the Nimegen suburb of Lent, in the Netherlands.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle street in the city of Utrecht, that is a dead-end for motor traffic.
This week's Good Cycling Faciltiy is a cycle street in the city of Delft, with a modal filter (a series of bollards) designed to prevent through motor traffic.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle street in the Dutch city of Nijmegen.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle street in the Dutch city of Delft.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a new cycle street in the Dutch city of Delft.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a direct cycle route running in and out of the city centre of Gouda.
This week's Good Cycling Facility - courtesy of Matt Danish - is a cycle street or fietsstraat in the Dutch city of Utrecht.
This week's Good Cycling Facility is a cycle street (or 'fietsstraat') in the Dutch city of Delft.
This week's Good Facility is an example of series of low-motor-traffic residential streets in the Dutch city of Nijmegen.