Embassy News - 2012

Consultation Closing on Rail Service in Scotland

Anyone who uses the trains in Scotland - including visitors -who wants to have their say over the future shape of rail services in Scotland should hurry, because consultation closes on Monday 20th February. The consultation has implications for cyclists as well, and Spokes, the Lothian Cycle Campaign, have done their usual excellent job of identifying the issues and teasing out the implications here.

Flashride at Westminster ahead of next Thursday's parliamentary cycling debate

Tour Du Danger at Parliament Square by Mark Ames (cc by-nc-sa)Cycling goes to parliament next week as the country shows its support for the powerful "Cities Fit For Cycling

Scottish Consulate and Glasgow Meeting

Calling all Scottish cyclists: on Saturday, the first Scottish Cycling Embassy meeting (and infrastructure safari) will be held in Glasgow. This will be a chance for anyone to find out what we're about, have a look at some of the best (and worst) of Glasgow's bike infrastructure and shape the future of the Embassy in Scotland. It comes at an auspicious time, with the Scottish budget cuts for active travel partially reversed - and in the wake of Edinburgh council's decision to devote 5% of its transport budget to cycling projects and infrastructure.

Cycling Embassy Welcomes 'Cities Fit for Cycling'

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain is pleased to support The Times in its campaign for 'Cities Fit for Cycling'.

Policy Bash Weekend

This weekend a dedicated group of Ambassadors gathered in London for our 'policy bash' to work on refining our policies and setting out our strategies for the next year. It was an intensive two days with lots of debate, scribbling on flip charts and (of course) cake generously provided by Sam Smith.

Policy Bash - and Virtual Policy Bash

Next weekend sees our first ever weekend Policy Bash, where we'll be getting together to thrash out the details of our infrastructure and campaigning policy.

Reminder - January 11 Budget Protest

All Scottish cyclists who can are urged to join Spokes Lothian, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Transform Scotland, Friends of the Earth and the WWF in a demonstration against the proposed 33% cuts to the Scottish Government's Walking and Cycling Budget.


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