Reminder - January 11 Budget Protest

All Scottish cyclists who can are urged to join Spokes Lothian, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Transform Scotland, Friends of the Earth and the WWF in a demonstration against the proposed 33% cuts to the Scottish Government's Walking and Cycling Budget. Cyclists coming from elsewhere in Scotland are urged to bring placards with their town or region to show that this is not just an Edinburgh concern - there are already cyclists signed up from around the country.

If you can't make it, you are still urged to write to your MSPs about this - there's more information on how to do this and what to say from Spokes - there is still time, but the budget vote is soon, so don't delay.

We support Spokes wholeheartedly in this battle to make the Scottish government live up to their manifesto promises on active travel. Scotland looked as if it was leading the way on climate change and promoting cycling in the UK - a rare bright spot in these straitened times. There's still time for it to reconsider and take the lead once more.