Embassy News - 2012

Sussex Infrastructure Safari - Saturday 18th August

Jim Davis, Chair of the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain cordially invites you to join him on an Infrastructure Safari of Worthing and Brighton incorporating much of his daily commute and a lot of cycle facilties to see and  discuss. And it's a chance to ride along the seaside of course.

Roads Fit for Heroes


The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain would like to congratulate Bradley Wiggins, Mark Cavendish, Chris Froome and the whole Sky team for their fantastic performance in the Tour de France. We're already hearing reports of bike sales shooting up as cycling - at least as a sport - goes mainstream in this country. We welcome anyone getting onto bikes, whatever the motivation and this can only be fantastic for the health and happiness of the nation.

Open our Towpath Demonstration TOMORROW


London Assembly Transport Committee - Embassy members speak at Cycling in London meeting

This morning saw a meeting investigating Cycling in London, held by the Transport Committee of the London Assembly. The meeting was concerned with issues of safety, and barriers to cycling.

Guest speakers included Ashok Sinha of the London Cycling Campaign, German Dector-Vega of Sustrans, Chris Peck of CTC, Martin Gibbs of British Cycling, and Chris Bainbridge, Chair, Borough Cycling Officers Group. 

The Charter of Vancouver - Children Have The Right To Cycle

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain is happy to support the Charter of Vancouver, and urges others to do so.

The Charter is based upon the United Nations 1990 Convention on the Rights of the Child (pdf), and aims to enshrine the right of children to cycle as a means of attaining the rights set out in the convention; in particular

Governments recognize the right of every child to a st

£15 million for improving dangerous junctions in England - welcome, but nowhere near sufficient

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain welcomes the Department for Transport’s announcement of £15 million additional funding to improve dangerous road junctions1, on top of the £15 million already announced for junction improvements in London.

Cycling Cultures - final report


A small group of hardy CEoGB members braved Cycle Superhighway 2, the Bow Roundabout and Stratford Gyratory last Tuesday to hear Rachel Aldred and Kat Jungnickel present their findings on cycling cultures in four English cities.

Cycle Campaigners call on Nick Clegg to get the country moving

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain are calling on the Deputy Prime Minister to invest in cycling infrastructure if he wants to get the economy - and the country - moving. Noting that the Liberal Democrat leader is himself half Dutch, they have responded to his announcement that the Coalition Government is planning to increase state-backed investment in infrastructure with a plea for Dutch-style bike lanes rather than more roads. 

Cycling Embassy supports British Cycling's Sentencing campaign

The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain welcomes British Cycling's campaign on the sentencing of drivers. The non-custodial sentence handed to the driver who killed Rob Jefferies is sadly all too typical of a justice system that continues to view drivers that put other road users at a significant risk of danger as merely 'careless'.

AGM Report

The sun shone on the GB Cycle Embassy over the weekend as it descended on Bath and Bristol for its AGM (perhaps a little too much, judging by the rather red limbs on display on Sunday afternoon).

The Embassy field trip on the Two Tunnels Greenway bridge, Monksdale Road


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