Public Health

Health, physical inactivity, obesity and cycling

The New Year is traditionally the time when we renounce the excess of the festive season and make resolutions - formal or otherwise - to change our diet and to fit exercise into our busy daily lives. Resolutions that are broken all too often.

Guide to the Healthy Streets Indicators

Transport for London
Publication date: 
November 2017

The Healthy Streets Approach puts people and their health at the centre of decisions about how we design, manage and use public spaces. It aims to make our streets healthy, safe and welcoming for everyone.

The Approach is based on 10 Indicators of a Healthy Street which focus on the experience of people using streets.

There are two main indicators:

  • Pedestrians from all walks of life

  • People choose to walk, cycle and use public


Healthy Streets for London

Transport for London
Publication date: 
February 2017

London is facing an inactivity crisis. Over decades, machines, cars and technology have gradually taken over many of the tasks that used to require physical effort. More than 40 per cent of Londoners

do not achieve the recommended 150 minutes of activity a week; and 28 per cent do less than 30 minutes a week. Almost without realising it, we have engineered physical activity out of our daily lives.

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