
Fairness in a Car-dependent Society

Sustainable Development Commission
Publication date: 
March 2011

Fairness in a Car Dependent Society, finds that vulnerable groups not only travel less than other people, they carry a greater burden of the costs of other people’s travel, including air pollution, noise, traffic danger, injury and crime. Other findings include:

Diversifying and normalising cycling in London, UK: an exploratory study on the influence of infrastructure

Journal of Transport and Health
Publication date: 
November 2016

This article examines the extent to which protected infrastructure is associated with greater diversity and normalisation of cycling. In the UK, cyclists are predominantly male and often wear distinctive cycle clothing rather than everyday clothes. This is not the case in higher-cycling countries such as the Netherlands and Germany. It has been argued that the UK's demographic skewing may be partly due to poor quality infrastructure which can be off-putting for many, but particularly for women, children and older people.

Impact of offering cycle training in schools upon cycling behaviour: a natural experimental study

International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity
Publication date: 
March 2016

Background: England’s national cycle training scheme, ‘Bikeability’, aims to give children in England the confidence to cycle more. There is, however, little evidence on the effectiveness of cycle training in achieving this. We therefore examined whether delivering Bikeability was associated with cycling frequency or with independent cycling.


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