Making the fiscal case for cycling infrastructure

This is divided into three sections:-

  1. The fiscal benefits that will follow from a significant modal switch to cycling.
  2. The measures necessary to achieve such a modal switch.
  3. How to get the message out to decision makers.

Finally, as a temporary measure only, there is a list of URIs to potentially relevant documents.  Ultimately these should references in the earlier sections if relevant, or discarded if not.


A list of potential benefits, estimates of their value and supporting evidence .


A description of what is required achieve the required modal shift; the sort of measures that do work, as opposed to what does not. 

We need to provide the best evidence possible for what works, and what does not.

The does not work is probably as important as what does, to prevent any campaigning success being misdirected into inappropriate measures.

Planning for getting the message out.

People and organisations that might help us get the message out and what arguments might persuade them:-

  • Trying to get an article in The Economist (George Johnston reckons they be sympathetic.).
  • There are a number of groups (notably those opposing HS2 or the Heathrow 3rd-runway) that might be willing to back investment in cycling-infrastructure as an alternative to investment that they wish to prevent.
  • Disabled groups as Dutch-style cycleways are good for the disabled too.
  • Motoring organisations:  It is probably too much to hope to get them fully on-board.  However a large proportion of the total financial benefit is the reduction in congestion enjoyed by people who chose to continue to drive.  Engaging with them, may help limit them campaigning against us. 

Potentially relevant documents

From CEoGB Document Library:-

From elsewhere:-