Initially we discussed a book which could be distributed to town planners / designers across the country, in an effort to (a) help them to meaningfully envisage what good cycling provision looks like; (b) make us more known as people who can help (or find help); (c) emphasise cycling as a ‘nice’ thing – something we all aspire to as a good thing to have around and to provide for.
However, it's been noted that although we aspire to produce a wide-ranging survey of infrastructure which will support the creation of high-quality provision across the country, and drive understanding at a professional level, there's a realisation that this is a different project.
Instead, the current audience for the book is more likely to be other groups we want to address:
- People who go on SkyRides, but don't cycle in a day-to-day capacity
- People who make decisions about infrastructure, or have influence on these decisions, but don't appreciate why they should care about cycling
- Cycle campaigners who don't understand why infrastructure is important
In general, we need to still consider the numbers we're trying to get to, and the format of our content (i.e. size, quality, number to print, etc.)
(NB: There's been another discussion about a Danish plan to produce a more substantial infrastructure survey and explanatory book, as well as consideration around translating some of the Dutch manuals, and using our own infrastructure examples and driving on the right side of the road ... We'd need to discuss these separately.)
Recent discussion has included mentioning a Danish plan to produce a substantial-sounding infrastructure book - need to check email thread to add this.