A roundabout just for bikes. This newly-built roundabout joins four cycle paths together.
This is what infrastructure looks like when it's built to handle large numbers of people on bikes!
Somewhere near Alphen aan den Rijn, Netherlands. (The Streetview link below points to the general area. If anyone can pinpoint this location, please get in touch!)
9 January, 2014 - 10:19
trying to find exact location
I think it is crossing number 18 in http://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=17/52.11715/4.67485&layers=C . There is no corresponding Streetview image, because the whole area has been heavily reconstructed since Streetview was made. https://maps.google.co.uk/maps?&layer=c&cbll=52.1177,4.676867&cbp=12,180... gives a kind of 'before' image (looking from the left in the current picture)
Joe Costello
13 February, 2014 - 06:12
The consensus here is that
The consensus here is that you've found it. Great detective work, Andre!
14 January, 2014 - 22:33
Although it looks really nice
Although it looks really nice to have a roundabout just for bicycles, I'm not so sure this is really better than a normal crossing: if it is not too busy, people taking a left turn will likely take the shortcut instead of circumnavigating the small middle, especially since for the latter you would have to greatly reduce speed. And unless this place gets really crowded, I don't see the advantage of a roundabout for traffic flow.
Joe Costello
17 February, 2014 - 21:27
It's probably not a
It's probably not a roundabout really, just a junction with the sign in the middle. It's not marked as a roundabout, and I can't see anyone actually going all the way around it when turning left!
29 January, 2014 - 18:33
Cycle roundabouts
Ha ha. I bet this roundabout earns its keep at 8.30 in the morning. Dutch kids cycle to school in their tens of thousands, I would imagine that this is sitting on a busy school route crossing!
What's also really nice is the middle circle, which is dark enough to make the point that it's there, and really you should cycle around it - but actually it's flat, so when it's quiet you can just shoot straight through at speed. So they cater for both school kids and racing cyclists :-)