This week's Good Facility is a simple bypass of traffic lights, meaning people cycling who are making a right turn at this junction in the Dutch city of Utrecht do not ever have to wait at a red light.
Turning right here does not involve going anywhere near a road, so there is no reason for people to have to deal with the signals that control the junction itself. All that is required is a simple 'give way' marking, so that people yield to other cyclists on the (bi-directional) cycleway running across the foreground of the photograph.
16 January, 2017 - 16:05
The photo clearly shows the
The photo clearly shows the bypass, but this particular junction may not be the most representative for a Dutch style junction. First of all, its currently a building site with a tram track being built between the carriage way and the bi-directional cycle path; google street view is old and doesn't match with the photo. Secondly, this junction is a merging point of some very busy cycle traffic routes towards Utrecht University and has some features that are very uncommon in The Netherlands, such as sorting lanes for cycling.