Dear Ambassador,
Embassy AGM. Glasgow, 16/17 September
The Cycling Embassy is holding its AGM in Glasgow this year, fulfilling part of our UK-wide mandate.
With a number of projects to look at in and around Glasgow (like the Bearsway ...) for our infrastructure safaris, and key Embassy projects to review, it will be a busy few days.
Early birds can arrive on Friday evening when the Embassy will be presenting to the Glasgow chapter of the international CycleHack weekend, and then Saturday will kick off with an infrastructure safari.
We'll also be covering the usual AGM business and looking forward to where our campaign is going, and the different resources and activities we're undertaking. If you're interested in standing for any of the Embassy positions, please let me know by email (
There's a more detailed agend here - - and we'll be checking with local campaigners if anyone has a spare bed for the weekend. (So please get in touch if that's you!)
Best wishes
Tim Lennon
Secretary, Cycling Embassy of Great Britain