We discussed the idea of an infra library, and what it should be. The discussion and boards generated these items:
Use cases: how we think people might use the library, or how we might use it
Things people asked for: A simple list of what we thought should be in it
As a result, we produced two lists. The first is a list of “infrastructure components” which we wanted to have documented properly. This is intended to be reasonably exhaustive. For each of the things in the list, we wanted to try to complete all the items in the “What we want’ list. This last one is prioritised, in MoSCoW fashion.
There are also a few subsidiary notes at the end.
Use Cases People IdentifiedLinks
Private Entrances
Simple Priority
Minor Side Road
Major Side Road
Mini Roundabout
Double Mini Roundabout
Compact Roundabout
Large Roundabout
Signalized Roundabout
Gyratory system
Grade separated
- Bridge
- Underpass
Signalized Junctions
- 3 arm
- 4 arm (Crossroad)
- 4 arm (Staggered)
- Multi-arm
'Floating' Bus Stop
'Floating' Parking
'Floating' Loading
Kerbing (Footway / Cycleway)
Kerbing (Cycleway / Roadway)
Street clutter
- Signs
- Lighting
- Phone Boxes (Telecommunications cabinets)
- Seating
- Bollards
- Signs
- Opposed One Ways
- Gates
- Width Restrictions
Road Marking
Cycle Parking
Ramps Gradients
Pedestrian Refuges
Cycle Refuges
Cycle Zebra
Unsignalized Cycle Crossing
(Grouped by ‘Concept’, ‘Situation’ and ‘Examples’)
Must: (Concepr)
Relevant legislation.
Design guidelines basis/lini.
Illustration (i.e. Visual diasgram)
Must (Situation)
Widths (available dimensions of feature).
Function of road. (Is this like 'trunk'?)
Volume of traffic
Any special traffic which uses it (e.g. Buses, HGV, trams)
Must (example things)
Where is has been done (worldwide)
Should (concept)
Critical context-specific details
Gold standard
Videos (ideal)
Should (situation)
Volume of traffic
Collisions (before/after - inc summary)
Area purpose
Should (Example)
Plans (design and build)
Where has it been done (UK)
Could (concept)
3d visual
Signal diagram
Could (situation)
Speed of traffic
Perspectives of car/walk/bike
When was it built?
Could (example)
Consultation for proposal
Why was it done this way?
Consultation response
How was it done (technically)
How was it done (politically)
Ranty Mark - engineers need to know "What kit do I need to build a floating bus stop?"
Sally - people aren't going to say 'How do I do a bus stop by pass. They're going to say "How do I fix this bus lane for cycling?"
Welsh design guide has a really good glossary
Can we re-use the dictionary, and the existing tools, and link them all together properly?
HEAT calculation?
Big list of tools
Idea - if the tool is to be used by professional bodies, then it needs to be dispassionate / professional sounding / etc.
Cyclenation - Cycling Environment Assessment Tool
What other tools are out there?
We identified a range of things we'd like to see for the items on the list of 'infrastructure'. Not all of these would apply to each one, nor do we expect to do them all.