Hello Ambassadors,
Today the Cycling Embassy of Great Britain is launching a new project designed to help you make the case for great cycling facilities.
http://cyclingfallacies.com/en/ is a one-stop shop for debunking all the rubbish excuses that we keep hearing for not building proper places to cycle. It's open for business today, and includes handy links and images for each fallacy, too. We know we haven't got everything, so please let us know anything you think could usefully be added, whether image, fallacy or supporting link. The site will sit beside the dictionary as a parallel resource, to try to support more of your campaigning needs.
We've also started organising this year's AGM, which will be in Cambridge. The key details are here, and we'll be updating them with more about what's scheduled, later in the month. If you think you might be joining us, sign up on the Lanyrd link.
Best wishes,
Tim Lennon.
Secretary, Cycling Embassy of Great Britain