OK it's hard to imagine anything less interesting and important than the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions - but those are the rules (not the 'standards' or 'guidelines') that actually dictate what can and can't be done on our streets. So every time you wave a picture of a dutch-style roundabout at your local traffic engineer and he (it usually is a he) tells you it's very nice but it can't be done here, that's the TSRGD at work. The good news is, they are under review. The bad news is, the changes don't amount to much. Mark Treasure and our secret traffic engineer have laid out why the review is just fiddling at the edges here http://www.cycling-embassy.org.uk/news/2014/05/28/the-tsrgd-review-an-op... (with a link to a more detailed response). If you want to respond yourself - and the more who do so the better - then have a read.