(Scottish) National Planning Framework

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(Scottish) National Planning Framework

The Scottish Government is starting work on its next National Planning Framework which will set Scotland's development priorities for the next 20-30 years.  As well as the usual consultation (http://scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Built-Environment/planning/National-Planni... ) it is also calling for proposals for nationally significant projects which would help it with the following:


  • An 80% reduction in emissions by 2050.
  • Achieving the aims of the Zero Waste Plan.
  • The Scottish Government’s Renewable Energy Targets.
  • Skills development, reducing unemployment and job creation.
  • Strengthening Scotland’s links with the rest of the world.
  • Improving our digital, transport, utilities or green infrastructure networks.
  • Adapting to or mitigating the effects of climate change.
  • Improving the quality of the built or natural environment.

​Spokes Lothian have responded by proposing "one truly cycle-friendly town or city in every Scottish local authority, all to be linked by existing or new sections of the Sustrans National Network" - you can find out more here http://www.spokes.org.uk/wordpress/2012/11/a-national-cycling-proposal/

If you think this is a good idea and you're based in Scotland, then you can support it by writing to your MSPs. You can also take part in the more general consultation exercise