A member of a local cycling group contacted the local rag to put forward the perfectly sensible suggestion of 20mph zones in residential areas, which simply prompted a full-on Daily Mail style invective from locals: http://www.maidenhead-advertiser.co.uk/News/Areas/Maidenhead/Cyclist-calls-for-20mph-speed-limit-on-residential-roads-15112012.htm. I had to contribute a couple of positive posts just to try and restore some sanity to the 'debate'. How on earth do we make any progress when this is the response to a perfectly reasonable suggestion?
(I particularly liked the comment from the lady who said: "Make it ILLEGAL to cycle without a safety helmet, high visibility clothing or sash, lights back and front, obey the highway code. Just maybe then people might take you seriously." If you look at the photo taken for the article, they embody all of the above, thus negating her argument completely. )