Wiki suggestion: what's the evidence?

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Wiki suggestion: what's the evidence?


I'm proposing this mainly because I'd like to see it myself, and I'll probably go ahead and do bits of it anyway but I've been thinking what would be really good to have would be a series of pages summarising the research on positive aspects of what we're campaigning for. Some of it might already be covered in the common claims and canards - but it would be extremely useful to have a single place to go to for a summary of what's known and what the evidence is. Or maybe it's already been done somewhere else? For instance Cycling England had a publication called 'Cycling and Health: what's the evidence' which does exactly that for health & which I've used both in the Embassy FAQ and the POP manifesto. Anyway there could be pages on: - what's the evidence that cycling infrastructure increases cycling levels (& what kind works best)- what are the costs and benefits of investing in cycling infrastructure- what's the evidence that segregated cycle lanes are safer?  It wouldn't have to be completely one-sided - we could include the counter evidence as well. It also wouldn't have to be too elaborate - at its most simple it could just be a link dump of handy articles. A lot of them are already listed in the research page but probably need a bit more sifting through