Transport for London has announced today that it is no longer proceeding with its intended safety improvements at the Lambeth Bridge (North) roundabout. Their plans, which involved converting the pavements around the roundabout to 'shared use' and allowing cyclists to use the existing zebra crossings, while making slight alterations to the carriageway, were almost unanimously opposed by respondents to the consultation.
93% of respondents did not approve of converting the pavements to shared use, while 98% requested a Dutch-style segregated track around the perimeter of the roundabout. Many other responses - including those from the London Cycling Campaign and the Cycling Embassy - also took issue with the 'two tier' approach to cycle provision, providing for cyclists both on and off the carriageway.
In response Transport for London have decided not to proceed with their planned initial improvements, and will concentrate now on 'developing more substantial improvments.' In the light of the overwhelming support for a segregated cycle track around the perimeter with cyclist priority, TfL have started building a trial model of this design at the Transport Research Laboratory in Berkshire.
The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain welcomes Transport for London's decision to abandon the initial safety improvements, and to concentrate instead on developing a Dutch-style design for this roundabout. The Dutch Cycling Embassy have already presented a potential design for this location, in conjunction with the London Cycling Campaign. If Transport for London wish to see Dutch roundabout design in practice, places are available on a David Hembrow study tour.