The BPA Traffic Regulation Orders Guide

British Parking Association
Publication date: 
July 2019

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This Guide is intended to provide an overview of the subject. The Guide is not, and could not be, exhaustive. There is not one correct way to create all TROs, and an approach which may be suitable in one circumstance would be inappropriate in another.

This Guide forms a basis of good practice and, just as importantly, will direct practitioners towards legislation, regulations and other resources that will enable them to devise their own solutions to real-world traffic management problems. Hyperlinks to these resources are provided throughout.

While setting out current best practice, this Guide will also have one eye on the future; particularly towards increased digital sophistication or ‘digital maturity’, which is discussed in Chapter 8.

It is intended that this Guide will be regularly updated over time, and what is considered to be best practice will also necessarily evolve.