Cycling in the City: A Compendium of International Practice

Urban Movement
Publication date: 
May 2013

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This document aims simply to collect in one place a range of urban cycle design guidance, for features great and small, from different countries. We looked up what Compendiummeans, and we’ve tried to adhere to the following definition: “A concise, yet comprehensive, compilation of a body of knowledge.” What we wanted to do was to help provide a reference resource for fellow practitioners and others involved in making streets more attractive to cycle along.

You may notice that we’ve only described the contents asInternational Practice, and have consciously omitted any reference to ‘best’, or even ‘good’. We have, we trust, excluded any downright ‘bad practice’, but our purpose is to let you see what others say, not pass judgement on it. 

We have tried hard to ensure that we are not treading on any toes as regards intellectual property. Other than a few points where we’ve added our own take on a topic, everything in this document is freely available online. We claim no credit for it, and want only to point you in its direction. (If you think we may have over-stepped the mark here, or have failed to give credit where it’s due, please do let us know.)

It’s our intention to update this document from time to time, so we’d be very happy to receive suggestions about additional material the compendium could contain (to make it more comprehensive) or stuff you think is best left out (to help make it more concise). Any other feedback or queries would also be welcome.

Thank you.