
Better planning, better transport, better places

Publication date: 
August 2019

For the last 20 years, governments have attempted to encourage a more sustainable approach to transport within spatial planning but have made limited progress.

Car parking and traffic still dominate housingdevelopments. Sustainable access to local services is poor. Sustainable approaches to transport are largely non-existent. The way we currently travel and thecontinued growth in road traffic are damaging our health,harming our towns, and contributing to climate change.

Car parking - What Works Where

English Partnerships - The National Regeneration Agency
Publication date: 
March 2006

This manual takes stock of common car parking treatments and reviews how successful they are in providing adequate levels of safe parking within a high quality environment. Here the introduction briefly reviews recent studies into demand, allocation and parking efficiency as a starting point for designers. It also touches on innovation, including mechanical systems, homezones and the use of travel plans such as car clubs.

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