The Cycle to Work Alliance has conducted this research project to gain a better understanding of the health and environmental benefits of the cycle to work scheme and the motivations that have driven demand from the users of the scheme, and the employers who offer it.
The questions focused on issues regarding CO2 emissions and health; the analysis of the data looks at the role the scheme plays in improving employee engagement, encouraging healthier lives and in helping the UK meeting its CO2 emissions reduction targets.
The Netherlands have a tradition of high bicycle usage and a long history of research on effective policies for promoting cycling. Findings in Dutch studies can be useful in the Danish Bikeability-project that has the objective to increase the level of knowledge in relation to bicycle based transport and to contribute to more efficient and qualified urban planning and management. This report discusses a number of Dutch case studies on the effects of investments in bicycle infrastructure.
The first edition of Collection of Cycle Concepts was published in 2000 and enjoyed a wide circulation among everyone interested in bicycle traffic. The simultaneous publication of the English version spread the Danish bicycle traffic experience to many parts of the world.
The second edition, Collection of Cycle Concepts 2012, updates the field, featuring new challenges and the latest knowledge.
Summary of legal status of cycle helmet wearing in the UK, paticularly where contributory negligence is claimed, from "The Cycling Lawyer" Martin Porter.
Updated document for a talk presented to the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers on 28 February 2012.