
CycleNation Conference, Sheffield

Official Launch of the CEoGB

Wheelers Brunch and Tweed Ride

Climate Rush - Cycle for London

Street Talk - People first – putting the public back into the public realm.

Wheelers Brunch - Manchester

What’s wrong with the ‘road safety’ industry?

Cycle forum: London cycling as public transport?

Lunchtime Q&A session on Communities Funding

Talking Cities: what makes a liveable city?

Ride London's top 10 dangerous junctions

Edinburgh and Oxford Compared

Cycling Scotland Annual Conference

GoBike Infrastructure tour

Better Streets - what really works?

Scottish 'consulate' Glasgow meet and ride

February Street Talk - Rethinking Childhood

March Street Talk - Anna Minton on Fear and Happiness in the Twenty First Century

Barnet's Great Divide Ride

April Street Talk - Ashok Sinha 'Love London, Go Dutch'

Going Dutch: talk and photo tour

Cycling, health and safety - winning the arguments

Climate Rush 'Spring Clean'

This Big City tweetchat on cycling and cities

Cycle Chic Sundays Sheffield

May Street Talk: What Next for The Times Campaign?

Worthing & Brighton Infrastructure Safari

London Assembly Transport Committee open meeting

DEADLINE: City of York Cycling Strategy

DEADLINE: Brighton & Hove 20mph Consultation

DEADLINE: Twickenham Action Plan Consultation

Copenhagen Cycle Culture

Cycle Superhighway 2 Extension - End of Consultation

Southampton Eastern Cycle Corridor - End of Consultation

Cycling Embassy Infrastructure Summit

Embassy AGM 2018 - Manchester