CEoGB Blog

The Great Big Dutch or Double Dutch Bike Blog Roundup

We read a lot in this blog round up about what UK and other English-speaking cycle bloggers think of cycling in the Netherlands, but if you've ever wondered what a Dutch blogger thinks of cycling in the UK wonder no more - although, even if your mum forces you to wear a silly helmet when cycling in such a hostile environment it's still better than all the alternatives for getting around

The Great Big Actually they DO Own the Roads Bike Blog Roundup

It was a bad - or good, depending on your point of view - week for cliches as the chancellor brought back road tax (for England, anyway), undoing years of Treasury policy and resurrecting a tired old zombie argument that had ne

Nine things Leicester is doing right

The Cycling Embassy recently visited Leicester for our AGM. In addition to our formal business and discussions, we had plenty of time to get out on our bikes and tour the city, kindly shown around by the Leicester Cycling Campaign Group.

Leicester isn't brilliant for cycling. There are many roads and streets where there cycling infrastructure is poor or non-existent, and where better stuff does exist, it is discontinuous, or of a lower quality at junctions.

The Great Big Tour de Utrecht Bike Blog Roundup

With the caravan of the Tour de France starting from Utrecht - and giving everyone who watched the highlights show a brief infrastructure safari - we make no apology for an even more than usually Dutch-focused roundup this week. But what lessons do the Dutch offer us, even if Utrecht apparently has almost no data on its daily cyclists.

Blog Roundup - Help Wanted!

This weekend the Cycling Embassy had a fabulous AGM weekend in Leicester - you can get a flavour of the two days from the #CEoGBAGM hash tag - but it did mean that compiling the blog roundup had to take a back seat to the weekend's activities, so you'll just have to wait until next week to catch up with what has been going on in the bike blogging world.

The Great Big Belated Fathers' Day Bike Blog Roundup

OK so we're a day late but there's still time to celebrate all the cycling dads out there - even if the road-raging drivers of Bristol don't agreee - because yet another report (surely there is one of these a month?) highlighted the need to get kids on bikes; sadly, in East Lothian at least, the figures are

The Great Big Putting the 'Miss' in Near Miss Bike Blog Roundup

This week the Near Miss project learned that Miss (and Mrs and Ms) Cyclist was more likely to report harassment from cars while cycling than Mr Cyclist, although this may be down to slower speeds rather than anything to do with gender - or perhaps it is about the bike to

The Great Big Where do WE Rank? Bike Blog Roundup

We're not sure if there's an international ranking of bike blog roundups (we like to think we're in the top 100) but Copenhagenize's list of the top cycling cities came out this week, to much fanfare, with Copenhagen knocking Amsterdam off the top spot (although if Amsterdam is resting on its laurels, they're

The Great Big I Can't Get No Priority Blog Roundup

After a two week absence, the Blog Roundup is back, and no surprises for guessing the big theme of recent days - it's the Leeds-Bradford 'Superhighway', one particular junction of which has been examined in detail by the Alternative Department for Transport.


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