As well as my involvement in the Cycling Embassy, I'm also one of the organisers of Pedal on Parliament, the national Scottish cycling campaign. PoP, like the Cycling Embassy, campaigns as much for non-cyclists as for existing cyclists - trying to create the sort of conditions in our towns and cities and beyond, so that everyone can ride a bike if they want. But how do you reach those people, if they don't even know that they're cyclists yet?
Katie Cycles to School is a little animation that attempts to do just that. It's about cycling - but it's about much more: about health, and congestion, and liveable town centres, and, yes, happiness. Not bad for just three and a half minutes, eh?
Whether you live in Scotland or not, please watch it - but more importantly, please share it with anyone you can think of who might enjoy it and share our concerns about all these things. And if you DO live in Scotland, then please do join us - we'll be Pedalling on Parliament again on Saturday 25th April and we need you there.