Such is the frantic pace of events in the cycling world at the moment, it seems like Pedal on Parliament was an age ago, instead of in the middle of the May. Discussion continues on the blogs, with Kim Harding assessing where Scotland could go next after the event, with photo essays and thoughts from Ellen McAteer, Ros Gasson and Bikeable Jo.
John Whitelegg in The Guardian presents six simple steps to make cycling a priority in the UK. Bristol Cycling Campaign is calling for substantial improvement in their city (with more detail from Sam Saunders), while change looks to be afoot in Manchester, with proposals for the Oxford Road. Central London might be about to get its first ever bicycle-friendly north-south route, but the Cycle City ambition bid in Birmingham, however, leaves Solihull Cyclist unimpressed.
The Cycling Embassy itself had a busy weekend in Newcastle; there will be plenty more news and comment on this, but for now you'll have to content yourself with Kats Dekker's colourful photo summary, and David Arditti's look at the past, present and future of the Embassy. Joe Dunkley also has an 'armchair safari' version of last month's Embassy Safari between Dorchester and Weymouth.
Mikael Colville-Andersen argues that the UK's helmet obsession is stopping people cycling; some helmet promoters, however, think that the real problem is cycle campaigners asking for safer streets. Streets can be quite dangerous for motorists, though, apparently due to cyclists moving their bikes out of bicycle racks. Cycling Front also reports on the Marlborough Councillor who thinks drivers need to park closer than cyclists because the latter are fit enough to walk. (Perhaps they should take a look at John Dales' summary of evidence on parking). Joe Dunckley considers whether we should apply collective punishment to those who comment on articles about cycling, Cambridge Cyclist still thinks Cambridge Evening News is stirring up trouble, while if you really need to find swivel-eyed loons, look no further than London's roads.
Last week saw plenty of discussion about women, and cycling, with Bike Portland examining what stops girls cycling, and Erik Sandblom offering a Swedish perspective on the same question. Sweet Georgia Brown wonders where the cycle-specific 'normal' clothing is for women, while Transport Paradise takes a more general look at the Seven Ages of Cycling.
In Edinburgh, there are serious concerns that eastbound cycling will not be allowed on Princes Street, and in Rotherham a roundabout is going to be replaced with some dangerous-looking central cycle lanes, thanks to the Pinch Points Fund. On the subject of design, one London Borough seem convinced that their road design did not contribute to a cyclist's death, while Mark Ames asks whether Hackney is a genuine cycling paradise, or a lucky fluke. The Ranty Highwayman asks what shall we do with Markham's Chase. Oxford look to be constructing a 'Dutch-style bicycle street' that isn't Dutch at all, and in a similar vein David Hembrow finds much to object about, regarding 'Go Dutch' being used as a marketing tool.
Abroad, CROWize Vienna has a very scary video of a cycle route through the city that desperately needs some proper Dutch treatment, while having looked at the good bits of Wrocław in Poland, Chris Russell looks at the bad bits, and concludes that it's not exactly Amsterdam. For some real Dutch quality, you have to rely on the Dutch themselves, as Mark Wagenbuur demonstrates. The Times examines how the Danes got their children cycling, while Copenhagenize mourns the bike share scheme Copenhagen almost had. Newcastle Cycling Campaign have a report from Helsinki, and Beauty and the Bike reflects on Cambridge Cycle Campaign's recent trip to Bremen. Activists in Moscow have imagined the city they'd like to see, and have started to see it implemented, and there's a similar success story in the United States, as This Big City charts the development of the Green Lanes Project. Italy, meanwhile, is the latest country to switch from cars to bikes in increasing numbers.
The Invisible Visible Man writes in appreciation of the under-appreciated delivery cyclist, while a scrap metal collector in Pennsylvania is surprising his clients by turning up by bike. US car companies appear to be increasingly concerned (and confused) about why young people aren't buying cars; adults who have never ridden bikes have some useful tips about how to learn. Kevin Hickman considers the importance of convenience for making short trips by bike, and Kennington People on Bikes asks whether we are going backwards in the way cycling is officially presented.
Finally, the 'Reefer Madness' about a simple bike share scheme in New York shows no signs of abating. Thankfully we have Bike Snob NYC to point and laugh for us.