Are you sitting comfortably? Well, stop that and go and respond to the CS2 extension enquiry as it closes on Monday - and if you need an almost ludicrously thorough examination of the whole scheme then you're in the right place. And while you're at it, you might want to support the proposed 20mph limit at Waterloo roundabout as well. Don't worry, we'll wait.
Right, done that? OK, so now we'll begin - starting with the real speeding menace on the UK's roads - which might be enormous HGVs if the government's latest proposal goes ahead - perhaps they're just trying to cut pollution. As the CTC urges people to write to their PCCs to prioritise dangerous driving, a couple of drivers are actually jailed for it (in what shouldn't be news but sadly is) while a hit and run driver is held after another cycling fatality. Meanwhile, London's draft policing plan makes no mention of it while the Cambridgeshire police crack down on lightless cyclists instead of tackling aggressive driving at an accident black spot and WillCycle wonders if anyone, ever has been prosecuted for violating an ASL - perhaps it's time for one of these seminars? Just to add to the fun, taxis are to be allowed in Belfast's bus (and hence bike) lanes - while you're no better off walking - they'll still blame you if you 'collide with a car'.
The parliamentary inquiry enters its third week, emphasising infrastructure and design with ibikelondon reminding MPs of their own words on cycling. Cycling Weekly considers how cyclists are designed out of Britain's roads - not to Countercyclical's great surprise. The Ranty Highwayman - distinguishing your laws from your regulations from your guidance - looks at the constraints designers are under. The Guardian bike blog covered Dave Horton's evidence in detail while Bike Biz concludes it will take a mixture of measures to get Britain cycling and even Living Streets will be joining the inquiry.
Meanwhile, north of the border, BBC Scotland looks at what Scotland can learn from the Netherlands - Pedal on Parliament considers the contrast between Dutch and Scottish approaches to investment, and Magnatom reminds the Scottish government that you need balance and vision to move forward (and a few electric car charging points won't change that). From the other side of the world, Sexify bikes learns the lesson that entertainment will always win over dull facts. Meanwhile Spokes looks at the CAPS refresh and Kim Harding missed the POP launch (but at least caught the movie).
With the latest road stats showing pedestrian and cyclist casualties rising - could this be the downside of the Olympic legacy? Or should road safety be for more than just car passengers? With 58% of London Cyclist's readers having had some sort of an accident, injured cyclists should be aware of their rights and know when they can and can't claim. As Transport for London backs the LCC's Safer Lorries campaign, the Freight Transport Association thinks all road users need to do more to keep safe - while Uruguay uses bikes to take an even more potent danger off its streets.
As Green Dad considers how to decarbonise the school run, he might try telling his fellow parents they'll improve their kids' performance if they don't drive them - and it is probably just as important for the big kids too, as one Boston commuter discovers. Either way, if you can't explain your planning scheme to a kid (however well exercised), perhaps you'd better rethink it.
As Manc Bike Mummy writes an open letter to her high street, Brooklyn Spoke reminds mayors everywhere that if you don't support livable streets in your city - or or healthy neighbourhoods - you'll lose jobs - and leak money to cities who will. Cyclehoops make the business case for bike infrastructure (something John Lewis has finally learned), while New York hotels offer bikes to visiting business travellers - and German postal companies don't treat bikes like a blast from the past. In Bogota weekly road closures fight congestion while in Toronto bikes must be part of the fight to cut carbon emissions and across America 'rightsizing' streets creates great public spaces - and everyone benefits from great cycling infrastructure - as San Diegans seem to understand. In Dublin, Cycling in Dublin revamps the city's quays (but sadly only in photoshop) while Muenchenierung asks if it's good cycle tracks that contribute to Amsterdam's baby boom?
All of which suggests that the London Assembly was wise to increase the cycling budget - certainly the London Cycling Campaign agrees, while Westminster's policies seem even more stuck in the past. In Greenwich, 853 wonders if they couldn't at least extend cyclists the same courtesy as motorists when routes are closed (a situation San Francisco cyclists might recognise...). At the other end of the country Zen Biker Maniac attends the Inverness cycle forum and Cycalogical asks if Bike North Birmingham is going to amount to any more than a hill of beans.
Further afield, with numbers of cyclists in Dublin soaring Cycling in Dublin looks at the numbers in more detail. In Colorado a biking ban is overturned but Denver cyclists would still like to see protective barriers on their cycle tracks. In LA every mayoral candidate goes on record supporting cycling - while the visible invisible man considers the legacy of an earlier New York mayor. In DC, the bike share scheme (and protected cycle tracks) make cycling for everyone while Chicago announces another $20 million for cycling and walking (although all is not entirely rosy in the US, with a Maryland helmet law proposed). From Canada to Brazil cities find investment in the bike network pays back in more cycling. As the Germans take the temperature of their cities' cycling climates, Kevin Mayne visits Berlin and wonders where all the bikes are. The Czech health minister tells his staff to promote cycling - while Copenhagenize has some suggestions on how to spend 27bn Kroner.
It seems to have been mapping week in bike blog land with Mad Cycle lanes of Manchester mapping the city's commuters Ely Cycling using casualty maps to show where improvements are needed, the New Zealand Greens mapping the dooring hotspots - and even the local papers getting in on the act with this handy interactive map of local drink drivers. Less depressingly, geotagged videos let cyclists preview what a city might be like to ride.
Are you a cyclist though, or just a bike user? Thinking about Cycling considers cycling and identity and the committed cyclist - the Cycling Geek wonders how to fix the situation - would more cycling motorists be the answer? At least then we wouldn't need these sort of videos. In New York a comedian suggests a little perspective might be needed, while Copenhagenize wonders if you'd date someone who didn't own a car. Joe Dunckley tries to boil down the whole cycling debate into an eight-minute podcast with Rchel Aldred, while Sam Saunders interviews Mick Mack, one of the faces behind the European Cycle Logistics Foundation and Cycle Space admires our very own 'no shenanigans' stance (I'm sure we put it more diplomatically than that though). Boy on a Bike considers the impact vehicular cycling (the philosophy not the technique) has had on American bike campaigning while Bike Portland wonders if the humble road repair needs a powerful advocate. Made Good was made optimisitic by two videos, even if neither of them was entirely realistic. And while sfweekly considers a fine point of road etiquette - is it ever okay to kill cyclists - Lee Craigie wonders if he might love his bike a bit too much...
And finally, with the US showing the UK how winter is done and a blizzard turns Boston into a giant street party, it may be time to get your hands on one the essential, all-natural organic and ethically sourced way of keeping your face warm during winter cycling. Chaps only, sorry to say...